
New President André Thuswaldner and Vice President Lorenzo Cattini elected at the EUROTRANS General Assembly 2024 in Bad Homburg

On 29 November, the EUROTRANS General Assembly took place in Bad Homburg, Germany on the premises of Ringsspann. Our heartfelt thanks go to our host Mr. Maurer, Ringspann GmbH and his team for their hospitality. The agenda also featured the election of the new President André Thuswaldner, Novagear Switzerland (picture centre) and our new Vice President Lorenzo Cattini, Cattini e Figlio, Italy (picture left). Dirk Decker from VDMA, Germany (picture right), was confirmed in his position as General Secretary. We express our gratitude to Salim Haffar for his dedicated service as the outgoing President.

The meeting was international, intensive and productive: participants from 10 countries discussed topics from the field of European drive technology. 

For further information out the General Assembly, please find enclosed the latest EUROTRANS Press Release.

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