About us
As a federation, the COMITÉ EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE CONSTRUCTEURS D'ENGRENAGES ET D'ÉLÉMENTS DE TRANSMISSION (EUROTRANS) is an organization that represents the interests of the European power transmission industry. It informs and supports more than 600 enterprises within Europe, which accounts for an annual production of more than 40 billion Euro.
Europe is the leading region worldwide in terms of innovation and experience in the power Transmission sector. Companies in this industry employ no less than 160,000 people. Consequently, EUROTRANS takes its task of representing these people and enterprises, in line with national needs, very seriously.
EUROTRANS - President
Salim Haffar, I-Mak Gearboxes and Drives
elected during the EUROTRANS General Assembly on 29th September, 2020
EUROTRANS - Vice President
André Thuswaldner, NOVAGEAR AG
elected during the EUROTRANS General Assembly on 29th September, 2020
General Secretariat (VDMA)
Dirk A. Decker
E-Mail: dirk.decker@vdma.org
Phone: (+49 69) 66 03-16 85
Fax: (+49 69) 66 03-26 85
Address: Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt/Main