Press Release - European drive technology – Covid-19 is a big global challenge and a global change process!
Frankfurt/Germany, 29 September 2020 – The European power transmission engineering industry met at its first online meeting for its Annual Meeting of the European Power Transmission Sector Committee EUROTRANS on 29 September 2020.
This year´s Annual Meeting focus was on the challenges of Covid-19. "Covid-19 functions as a catalysator for digitalization, it will speed up processes in our societies, in our global industry, and in the power transmission industry”, says Eric Goos, General Manager of Hansen Industrial Transmissions N.V., Belgium plant of Sumitomo Drive Technologies. He is the outgoing president of EUROTRANS and established a modern organization which is well prepared for the challenges of the future. During the Annual Meeting, Salim Haffar, I-MAK Gearboxes and Drives, Turkey was elected as President and André Thuswaldner, Novagear AG, Switzerland was elected Vice President.
see the full press release here